Rapat membahas percepatan program Makan Bergizi Gratis (MBG) untuk mendukung pembangunan sumber daya manusia menuju Indonesia Emas 2045.
Sementara Kepala Badan Gizi Nasional (BGN) Dadan Hindayana dalam keterangannya usai pertemuan menyampaikan, program MBG yang sudah berjalan selama 10 hari, telah menjangkau 31 provinsi dan melibatkan 238 satuan pelayanan pemenuhan gizi.
Presiden Prabowo menekankan pentingnya kerjasama antar sektor agar program MBG berjalan lancar.
Minister of Defence Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, along with the ministers of the Merah Putih Cabinet, attended a restricted meeting presided over by President Prabowo Subianto at the Merdeka Palace in Jakarta, on Friday (Jan 17).
The meeting focused on accelerating the Free Nutritious Food (MBG) program to support the development of human resources towards Golden Indonesia 2045.
Meanwhile, the Head of the National Nutrition Agency (BGN), Dadan Hindayana, stated in his remarks following the meeting that the MBG program, which has been running for 10 days, has reached 31 provinces and involved 238 nutrition service units.
President Prabowo emphasized the need for intersectoral cooperation to ensure the successful implementation of the MBG program.
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